California Regenerative Clinic

San Francisco Bay Area’s Premier Regenerative Clinic

Pain Relief Therapy in the San Francisco Bay area

As our bodies get older they start to lose their ability to regenerate, which makes us susceptible to painful, degenerative conditions. When left untreated, these conditions threaten the very lifestyle that we all work so hard to obtain.

Fill out the form to schedule your initial consultation.

Non Surgical

Pain Relief Therapy is a natural and non-invasive alternative to surgery.



Treatment plans and therapy is tailored specifically to you and your unique needs.

Quick Recovery

Heal quickly with Pain Relief Therapy. Patients often feel immediate pain relief.

Northern California’s Leading Genomics Provider

Your DNA Does Not Have To Be Your Destiny…

  • Read your body’s blueprint to know exactly what you need to optimize your health.
  • Catch predisposition to cognitive disease even before symptoms arise.

Free Ebook Download!

Download Dr. Victor Liu’s free Ebook, The Complete Guide To Erectile Dysfunction, which covers men’s sexual health and discusses erectile dusfunction, Enlargement, peyronie’s disease, dietary food options to promote men’s health and much more!

Fill out a short survey and get a free download of A Complete Guide To Erectile Dysfunction!

What Our Patients Say

Quick Recovery After Treatment

“I’m so glad I made the decision, for the longest time I was concerned I might not be able to work for days or weeks if I had this treatment. I work seven days a week, I can’t have any downtime. I made the right decision.”

– Martin

Get Active Again

“I’ve had to wear a ski brace to ski, my knee deteriorated this last year…For the first time in 19 years, I was able to ski without a brace. This far exceeded my expectations.”

– Rose Mary

Stop Living In Pain

“I used to do a lot of heavy work, and people who do that know how things can become painful…. When I had the stem cell therapy I don’t have that anymore.”

– Dennis

You owe it to yourself to understand all your treatment options so you can make the best decision concerning your health. Come get answers to all your questions and tour our clinic.

Office Information

(650) 697-8888

490 Post Street, (Union Square), Suite 1230, San Francisco, CA, 94102

Get Directions

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The information on this website is intended to inform and educate you about studies and research in stem cell therapies and other natural treatments in clinical use, so you will be able to make an educated decision about your health. Stem cell medicine is a new and evolving field and currently, according to the FDA, in the U.S., stem cells are not intended to cure, treat, or prevent disease. By using our website, you understand that California Regenerative Clinic employees, providers, and managers/owners do not make claims about the effectiveness of stem cells, or any other natural treatments, in medical treatment.