It is estimated that 70% of the population experiences tension headaches regularly. We think that’s way too high!
The most common kind of headache is tension headache, which is caused by muscle contraction.
At California Regnerative Clinic, Dr. Liu often meets with patients that are experiencing:
- Aching pain behind the eyes
- Tenderness/Tightness in the neck and shoulders.
- Feelings of pressure /tightness across the forehead, behind the eyes, and the sides/backs of eyes
Headaches and migraines can occur at any time.
Migraines are a severe headache (usually limited to one side) that can be accompanied by nausea and increased sensitivity to sound/light.
Dr. Liu commonly treats those whose headaches/migraines are brought on or even made worse by:
- Eye strain
- Cold temperatures
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Fatigue
- Cold/flu/sinus infection
- Bad posture
- Caffeine
- Stress

How can Dr. Liu help my migraines?
Dr. Liu will do a history and physical examination.
He then may recommend Intranasal Spenocath Lidocaine to help ease migranes in patients.
What is Intranasal Spenocath Lidocaine?
Intranasal Spenocath Lidocaine is a minimally invasive procedure and offers immediate relief for most patients with chronic and episodic migraine, cluster headache, chronic daily headache and for other facial pain and headache syndromes. The Spenocath device is a soft, flexible catheter that delivers pain-relieving medication inside the nasal passageway with maximum patient comfort. The procedure normally takes under 5 minutes.

Office Information
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
The information on this website is intended to inform and educate you about studies and research in stem cell therapies and other natural treatments in clinical use, so you will be able to make an educated decision about your health. Stem cell medicine is a new and evolving field and currently, according to the FDA, in the U.S., stem cells are not intended to cure, treat, or prevent disease. By using our website, you understand that California Regenerative Clinic employees, providers, and managers/owners do not make claims about the effectiveness of stem cells, or any other natural treatments, in medical treatment.